Danielle Throckmorton

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Ask for what you want!

Photo - Reach Retreat 2021

How many times does a thought cross your mind only to be pushed aside?

Over the past few months, I have noticed this common block in my 1:1 coaching clients and wanted to speak out about it.

How many times do you have an idea cross your mind but decide to just push pause because the fear of rejection is too much?

I get that being rejected isn't fun, and can hurt, but what if you truly knew how many times the other side would have said yes if you had asked.

In this life, we are going to face rejection, and getting a yes every single time is likely far-fetched, but I want you to start leaning towards this mindset instead.

1.) Ask yourself what is the worst-case scenario - Maybe, you get told no or are asked to revisit it at another time. That isn’t what we desire but we need to get to a place where we don’t let it spiral us into a deep dark place. Not every opportunity is the right opportunity so instead maybe just lean into knowing and trusting that what is for you will not pass you. This mindset shift helped me so much.

2.) Ask yourself what is the best that can happen - Maybe, you get a yes, or better yet they counter with an opportunity that was better than you ever had in mind going in. This has happened for me, it has happened for my clients, and it can happen for you. Stay open to receiving what you desire or something better. That mindset of possibly receiving something better is a game-changer.

The good news is that you can ditch the fears that keep you playing small and step into your true greatness. It takes time but you can grow to a place where you can ask for exactly what you want and be ok with the outcome no matter which way it goes.

Doing this isn’t easy, but having someone who challenges you to make the ask, and supports you through the yes or the no can make a world of difference.

So…. let me know! What is it that you should be asking for but are deciding to let the possible worst-case scenario cross the finish line before you ever take off? I would love to chat about it and challenge your thoughts around it.

Maybe it is

  • The job you truly want/starting the business you dream of

  • The speaking opportunity you have had on your vision board for years

  • A new relationship you desire to have in your life

  • Your ideal client you know you desire to work with and can help