Danielle Throckmorton

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What to expect from Delaney at Reach Retreat 2022

I am so excited to have Delaney as a guest on today's blog. She is sharing about her upcoming speech at Reach Retreat 2022.

Check below for what to expect, FREE resources, and a recap of our live interview.

Catch the Live Interview Replay

Delaney is a Chemical Engineer turned Certified Wellness Coach and Registered Yoga + Breathwork + Meditation Teacher. She blends the science and the spiritual!

I am excited to be coming onto the blog to share about my role at Reach Retreat and what my focus areas are. 2022 will be my third year teaching yoga, my second year teaching breathwork + meditation, and my first year speaking! While the yoga + breathwork + meditation sessions at Reach Retreat are optional, they are SOOO powerful for your healing and your entrepreneurial journey.

Here are the top 5 wins entrepreneurs will experience when they regularly practice yoga + breathwork + meditation:

  1. Increased Productivity: Yoga releases endorphins, aka feel-good hormones, and when we feel good, we are more productive

  2. Reduced stress and increased motivation: Breathwork + meditation release dopamine and serotonin, aka the pleasure hormone and the mood-stabilizer, which help us feel less stressed and more focused, and motivated

  3. In tune with your individuality: Breathwork + meditation help you turn the volume dial down on the outer world and turn the volume dial up on your intuition, so you can decide and act on what instinctively feels right for you and your business

  4. Open to receptivity: Breathwork + meditation bring you into the present moment where you are more likely to recognize and receive insight as it arises

  5. Deeper connection: Meditation fosters greater levels of empathy and connection which empowers you to cultivate a space where clients feel safe, seen, and heard

During my presentation, I will teach you how to use these spiritual practices to start living your life of intention faster than you ever thought possible...because you can start right now.

I would love to connect with you prior to Reach Retreat! If you have any questions about me or my offerings, please send me a DM, or if you are interested in practicing breathwork and yoga with me right now, I have lots of videos saved to my IGTV! @strength.in.stillness. Click here to view them.

To download a free Breathwork 101 Pocket Guide, click here.