Danielle Throckmorton

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20 Minutes of Fire: Discover How to Take Your Business To The Next Level

Are you ready to see what it's like working with a entrepreneur coach/business strategist to take your business to the next level?

Hot seat coaching is a fast-paced intensive one-on-one coaching and training session that allows you to quickly assess and address the areas of your business that need attention in a short amount of time. With the help of an experienced and knowledgeable entrepreneur coach, (me lol) you can gain critical insights and take strategic action to raise your business’s performance. Through hot seat coaching, you can uncover blindspots, identify opportunities and create a clear action plan that will help you reach your goals. With the right coach and the right plan, you can gain the confidence and knowledge to make the changes necessary to take your business to the next level or even decide to invest in further training.

Dana Schon also known as Mama Schon is a multi-passionate entrepreneur, mama of 6, wife, children's book author, community leader, and the list could go on and on.

Mama Schon is in the process of growing and launching her personal brand while also coaching, selling book, and is creating another stream of revenue within her business.

A Peek Into Hot Seat Coaching

Hot seat coaching is an efficient process that allows you to move quickly and make changes based on what your business needs. Inside my free community Ladies Conquering Goals I have opened up a few applications to do free hot seat coaching. As an entrepreneur coach and multi-passionate business owner myself I know the power of listening and learning from others. Mama Schon was my first hot seat guest inside the group and in just 20 minuets shared this about her experience. “HOT SEAT COACHING WITH DANIELLE THROCKMORTON...was an incredible 20 minutes..Gained Clarity around my launch and created energy around the timeline that I needed to create!” When you sit in the hot seat, you have the opportunity to get valuable guidance and insight into your business. You can gain a clear understanding of where you are and where you want to go. Hot seat coaching also allows you to create action plans and take strategic steps to improve your business. You will be able to identify what’s working and what needs to change in your business. You’ll be able to get clear on the results you want to achieve and the steps you need to take to get there.

Deadlines Drive Decisions for you and your clients

Whether it’s the deadlines you place on yourself or the deadlines your entrepreneur coach sets, deadlines drive decisions. Deadlines spur action. They help you set priorities and make decisions based on what’s critical and what’s not. Deadlines help you stay focused on your goals and prioritize the work you need to do to achieve them. When you work with a coach through hot seat coaching, you’re working with someone who understands the importance of setting deadlines and following through on them. Your coach will help you set deadlines for your action plan to get you where you want to be. Your deadlines will help you prioritize the steps you need to take in your business and keep you focused on the success you want to achieve.

This also applies to your audience you are marketing to. When you leave everything open ended they are more likely to procrastinate or sit on your offer for a while. Launching with deadlines can lead to your clients being more motivated to take action and get support. This is a win for both you and them as they will get out of the waiting room sooner and be ready to take intentional action towards growth and expansion.

Limited Quantities Add Urgency

Limited quantities add urgency. When you have unlimited supply it doesn’t have your buyer feeling like they need to take action. I am not saying to create this unauthentically or lie. I am saying that if you only have six spots available for your upcoming mastermind then you need to make sure you share that with your audience. If they know they have all day they will take all day. This ties really beautifully with the deadlines drives decisions. Think to yourself when creating your next offer or product release do I have deadlines and do I have limited quantities. If the answer is yes then you are off to a kick-ass start my friend.

Waitlisting is Essential to a Successful Launch

Waitlisting is an essential part of a successful launch. Without waitlisting, you’re likely leaving a lot of money on the table. You’re hoping that the people who want what you have will come across it at the right time on social media. But with so many choices out there, algorithms people don’t always get their eyes on what you have to offer. Waitlisting helps you ensure that the right people come across your offer at the right time and place. You have a little more say in how they see the information and when. Having a waitlist allows interested customers to sign up to receive information about your programs, products, or other offers as it becomes available. You can add your waitlist link to your website, social media accounts and email marketing campaigns to build a list of potential customers and contacts so when you are ready to launch your warm audience sees it first. Plus, I love rewarding my waitlisters with special offers, perks, and more.

Affiliate Program and Word of Mouth Referrals

I am a firm believer in the power of word of mouth and relationship based marketing. As a coach nothing makes me happier then when a client recommends me to another amazing human who is more likely going to be aligned. Also, they are already a much warmer lead because someone they like, know, or trusts is suggesting me.

An affiliate/referral program is a program that allows people to share your products or services and earn a commission for the connection.

You can use affiliate/referral programs to build a large network of partners who would love to promote and sell your products or services or it can be a small but mighty group of loyal and authentic referral partners. When you use affiliate programs to their fullest potential you create another stream of revenue inside your business inside your own business by reccomend other partners or brands that align with your mission and values.

I recently did a training on this with the amazing Angela Markham. Access it here for more tips, tools, and resources to integrate affiliate marketing.

Oh, here is one I did as a solo training on referral programs.

Creating an Opt-in in Flodesk

One of the most powerful tools at your disposal is building an email list of subscribers. An email list allows you to communicate directly with the people who trust you and want to learn from you. An email list allows you to provide value to people in your target market and share tips, news and advice that’s relevant to their needs and interests. An email list allows you to deliver your message directly to your audience instead of hoping that they’ll come across your content and make the right decision to engage with you.

When working with clients creating a sexy email opt in and email strategy is a huge focus area and normally kick-start creating this or help them to adjust, review, and strategize their existing strategy for their email list. This is a great way to engage with your audience and invite them to subscribe to your email list.

Maximizing Community Inside Your Launch

Community is a difference maker in your business and you can’t tell me otherwise.

It’s important to maximize community inside your launch. Having a powerful and supportive community helps you with your creation of offers to . Being able to ask them questions and find out what they want and need can be a game-changer. Plus, when you create what they want and need they become raging fans, referral partners, and difference makers. If you are not creating community inside your business then we need to chat.

Pricing Structure for Launching/Pricing Strategy

There are many factors that go into creating a pricing structure for your offers/product launches. You want to make sure that you’re pricing your program/offers at a level that’s competitive in your industry while still providing your customers with incredible value. One of my most favorite ways of supporting my clients is helping them gain clarity and confidence around their pricing. I want you to feel empowered, clear, and knowledgeable about your pricing structure, profit margins, and more. If you are having a hard time backing your pricing with confident energy then your audience likely senses it and will pick up on the energy themselves.

Now what?

First, I want to say thank you for reading this far and my hope is always to provide you with value. If you feel called to take action toward more strategic strategies inside your business and want to see what working together looks like then book your free 20 minute strategy call here.

Secondly, join Ladies Conquering Goals for more trainings, the opportunity to apply for a hot seat session, and to get more support.

Lastly, you are amazing and I am so blessed to spend time with you here.